sábado, 25 de maio de 2013


"I recommend, brethren, beware of those who cause divisions
and put obstacles to education you have received.
Avoid it. For such people are not serving Christ in the ... View more. and fellowship with Jesus Christ (John 14:26). It is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin (John 16:18), reveals the truth about Christ (John 14:16-17), holds the new birth (John 3:5-6) and makes us members of the body of the Lord Jesus (I Corinthians 12:13).

By sight, Pastor Caesar is involved in a bubble of vanity, or the crowd of his dreams, and in its many words (Ec 5-7).

But God said: "I have heard what the prophets have said who, prophesying lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. Till when shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies, and who are only prophets of the deceit of their own heart (Jer. 23.25-26)? ". It is worth remembering that this was the last prophet was John the Baptist (Luke 16:16) and it was Christ himself who said. What then of the prophets, apostles, and now even the patriarchs of today?

Reading the book of Pastor Caesar, on p. 88, we find the statement that Abraham, age 99, had many untreated wounds. This claim is unfounded and lacking in truth to proclaim such a freak, distorting Biblical facts. What the Bible tells us is that Abraham was obedient to the call of the Lord and was a man of great faith in God. (Gen. 12.4 and Rm4.12).

To Pastor Caesar, only after participating in the "Meeting", is that the believer receives the inner healing and is free from any curse that has prevailed in your life and experience true repentance and the new birth. The "Encounter", he says, is more important than baptism in water and the Holy Spirit and is equivalent to an entire year of faithful service to the Church (book cited, p. 91). This statement would have more than enough to arouse the repudiation of any Christian with respect to the Gospel and with average knowledge of the Scriptures.

He also states that any "rejection" of a person that has occurred during pregnancy, childhood or adolescence, is the topic of most treatment given during the "Meeting" and cut all the curses that come by descent and understand exactly who is God is a major theme. (P. 92). Biblically there is no basis for such heresies of Colombia. Had he, Joseph, son of Jacob, would have passed for a treatment, promoting a "meeting" to get rid of everything that happened at the hands of his brothers, and when he was imprisoned in Egypt. And what about Job, who lost everything he owned in a single day, including his children? The Apostle Paul also need this "Meeting" to break the curses, because besides having persecuted the Church of Christ, also consented to the death of Stephen. So there is no biblical support for such rituals.

It's amazing the story that Pastor Caesar is on page 113, where he says that to free a woman possessed by the spirit of lesbianism, had to pray for her since she was in the womb of his mother. Did a regression on all past life from conception. This is based, he says, in Ephesians 1:4. Cause us such awe narrative! And we ask: what is about the liberation of that woman with the passage cited? Let us see what the Bible tells us in the verse quoted: "He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love." Where Pastor César Castellanos learned this practice? Based on the Bible, certainly not! There is not a single verse that gives us room for "regression". This practice is part of your personal view, based on psychotherapeutic techniques and spiritualists. See regression in spiritual centers and offices of hypnosis for many years previous to the teachings of Castellanos. The word of God tells us quite clear how the believer should proceed in such cases: Matthew 17:21 (prayer and fasting) and Mark 16:17 (in Jesus name). This, rather, is the correct way of dealing with biblical and evil personified, and not making survey of the past life of the person afflicted. It is, therefore, a serious and blatant distortion of the Word of God.

And the freaks are not only there. For him the "Pastor of the Church is the Holy Spirit," while he (Pastor Caesar) "is just the employee" (cited book, pág.107-108). But that inversion of values! The Holy Bible tells us that the Pastor is the "SHEPHERD of the flock of God" (Acts 20:28) and responsible for "preaching and teaching of the Church" (II Timothy 4:1-4), while the Holy Spirit is dwelling in all saved believer (John 14:16-17 and I Co3.16) and the Church warns against apostasy (I Tim 4:1-2), and other attributes. Nowhere in the sacred writings we find Jesus, the apostles, or God himself saying who pastors the church is His Holy Spirit. Are men, but chosen by God (Allah) to take care of His flock, the shepherd saved by his Son Jesus (Eph 4:11-12). This statement certainly Castellanos denotes its artful plan gives spiritual legitimacy to their delusions, assigning them the status of "orders of the Holy Spirit."

Also says Pastor Caesar what "he has studied the Bible more" is the life of Jesus Christ (book cited, p. 103-104). We do not think this statement true. Where he found in the New Testament Jesus or his apostles teaching about hereditary curse, curse-breaking and regressions from intrauterine life? Where he found Jesus taught that the person who received the Lord as Savior and was part of a "meeting" in order to be born again? Were the "Visions" revealed to him? If it were, it should be emphasized that views do not supplant the Scriptures.
However, the daydreams of Pastor Caesar, which for him were words of God addressed to it, were not what we have reported. He says in his book mentioned on p. 83, that "we won and we won crowds in a way unprecedented in Colombia, but many of them were not in the church. On several occasions I met with some of the converts in different places, I said, 'Pastor, I met the Lord in mission, but I'm bringing in such a church. 'I said,' Amen, Glory to God, this soul is not lost, is being built!. "However, the day came when God got my attention, telling me: ' You are wrong: that soul I brought to your church, if he had wanted to send her to another church would have it done. I sent it to you so that you take care of it and hopefully answer me. '" For those who know God and His Word, we believe that it is not here any comment on the report of the Colombian pastor. First, because God is no respecter of persons, nor to the church, because for him there is only one Church, nor any church belongs to this or that pastor. The Church is the Lord Jesus Christ, regardless of human labels.

As stated initially, the movement was born in Colombia, in Brazil is one of his strong arms National Church, which is pastored by Valnice Milhomens. This written a book entitled "Strategic Plan for the Redemption of the Nation." In it, she described in great detail what the "cell church" adopted by it in our country, and how the model of 12. Mean that the plan for the redemption of Brazil and the world is not of God, in Christ, but the G-12?


All we have seen so far suggests a minimal reflection. Would not be the origin and teachings of the G12 reason enough for atentássemos more carefully for obvious dangers caused to the spiritual health of the church by this movement?

But even if it seems small, please do not miss the final part of this study.

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