terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013

This is my mother...

Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-5

Introduction: Today we celebrate Mother's Day. It is sanctioned in the Bible, because the Bible says in Exodus 20:12: "Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee"

Christian mothers are the most attractive in the world. The great human influence in our society comes from our mothers.

The Bible in the first mother brought desolation and great difficulty for the human race, but by the grace of the Lord came to the aid of a maternity doomed. At Calvary, the Son of God and son of a mother, took upon himself the curse pronounced upon a woman and made it possible to have a holy motherhood.

Christian mothers should be highly honored because they are kingdom builders, builders of character, and recruiting agents for the eternal realms that are beyond the present life.

As Mother's Day is coming is a special time when we can express our gratitude to the one that gave birth to us and looked after us when we could not take care of ourselves. She rejoices with us when we can and consolation and comfort when we fail.

In our text, the mother of Timothy is mentioned - Eunice. Not much is said about it in the Bible, but we know some things about her. Its name means "good win".

1 - Her husband was a Gentile. (Acts 16:1)

2 - She was Jewish.

3 - She spent time teaching Timothy the Scriptures. His house was like a seminar on thumbnail to Timothy.

4 - Probably converted to Christianity during the first missionary journey of Paul in Lystra, where Paul was stoned and left for dead.

5 - When Timothy Eunice spoke in public, I believe he kept his head held high and with great pride and satisfaction said: "This is my mother."

Mother should be their desire that their children do the same thing and when present it to others, they should be able to do it with a great sense of pride and admiration with regard to the type of person you are.

What makes a son or daughter stewing his chest, his head high and say: "This is my mother?".

I. Your Lord

It is a blessing to have a mother saves. Not everyone has that privilege, but most of you have. It means a lot to have a mother who met the Lord Jesus and reached the forgiveness of sins.

Note: Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, had to be saved. You may ask, "Pastor, how do you know that?" Mary said: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior" (Luke 1:47). Maria realized the need for a Savior and had been saved by the wonderful grace of God.

Eunice was a mother saved, because the Bible spoke of faith "unfeigned" that was it. The word "unfeigned" has the idea of ​​authenticity or sincerity. Has the idea of ​​being without hypocrisy or pretense. This means being free of insincerity. Eunice was not a believer "artificial", it was true, "real". She had accepted Christ, He then made all the difference in your life.

Mother, your children need to know that you have a God in this life and especially when it comes time for you to die, they need to know that you have Christ as your Lord and Savior.

II. His love

Is love in the mother makes her expect too much from their children.

How blessed it is to have a mother you can see the love of God in your life. If your mother is not yet saved, or a wicked mother, pray for your mother and try to bring her to Christ.

A. Love corrects. Proverbs 13:24 "He who spares his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes"

The children often do not understand why a mother corrects them when they are wrong, it's because she cares about her son. Not because it is not love, but it is for their own well-being of children.

B. Love console. How many times when you failed in some task that you sought to accomplish, and his mother gave him a hug, and tried to lift your spirits, saying something like: "It'll be okay. God will solve everything" She might have told you "You may have failed, but do not give up, keep trying."

Sometimes, maybe all you needed was a hug from his mother's trust.

C. Love cares. A good mother is always willing to listen to the problems of their children, because she cares.

Note: You can afford a psychologist or psychiatrist $ 200 an hour to listen to their problems and make some comments, but you can get the experience and wisdom of his mother for free and she really cares about you.

The Bible says we can cast all our cares upon the Lord, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). It's the same way with our mother. A good mother is not busy to listen to your children. When your child is ill, she feels. When your child is happy, it makes her happy.

III. Their anxieties

What a godly mother waiting for her children? Does it necessarily expect their children to become rich or famous or she has other things in mind for your children?

A. She wants her children to be saved. No mother in her right mind would want their children to go to hell. No, not one! She takes every opportunity to influence them with the Gospel and point your children to Christ!

B. She wants her children to be sanctified. The spiritual mother does not want her children to walk in the ways of the world, but she wants her son "set apart" for the service of the Lord.

C. She wants her children to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If they walk in the Spirit, they will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5:16 says, "I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh."

IV. His life

Notice once again that the life of Eunice, Timothy's mother, was a life of faith. His faith - "unfeigned." In James 3:17 is translated - "without hypocrisy." Your day-to-day was no more than a constant expression of true faith and permanent.

She did not live the life of a person hypocritical. The word "hypocrite" in the New Testament is used for an actor. The actor pretending to be someone else and it often becomes so real, the real person is hidden. One who is a "hypocrite" pretends to be someone who really is not. It is the opposite of "authenticity and sincerity"

His mother lived what he taught. This is one reason why the Word of God had such a profound impact on his life, he had seen the Word of God lived in his mother's life. He knew that God's Word was true, because the true spiritual life had produced in Eunice.

Do not just read the Word, we need it to work in your heart and affect their behavior and attitudes.

Conclusion: Be a godly mother and have the Lord, your love, your desires and your life.

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