terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013


1 John 4:9-10 
"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. 
This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. " 

Had you been born in a garage, it would have made you a car? Of course not! Had ... you born in a nest of geese, it would make you a goose? Of course not! 
Well listen to this: Perhaps you have had Christian parents, but that does not mean you are a believing child, a son Christian. 

The elderly evangelist Billy Graham used to preach in their campaigns that "You can not inherit Christianity." It is fact. 

God is Creator of all that exists. So all we are and all things are God's creation. But the son of God is only one that is generated by the seed of God. 
Consider with me, it appears a child is necessary to unite the seed of man to the woman's egg ... the life of all that is alive and is reproduced in its seed ... 

In the seed of an orange is an orange ... the seed of an avocado, is an avocado tree ... the seed of a cat is another cat ... the seed of a sinner (because that is what we are), is another sinner! 

God also has seed, it is called "Word of God" - Luke 8:11 we read this in the Parable of the Sower: "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God." 
This seed, the Word of God, came to earth in human form ... logo, the seed of God is a person, it is called Jesus in Hebrew is Yehoshua = The Lord is Salvation! 

So, God's words are seeds ... them is the power of life - that's why Jesus said on one occasion: "... The words I speak are spirit and life" (John 6:63). 
But for the life that is in the seed, come to light, another element is necessary. 
The seeds of plants need earth ... the seeds of the female animals need ... the seed of man needs the maternal egg ... God's seed needs the Spirit of God. 

The Bible shows that in creation, God spoke the word and the spirit of chaos covered his word ... as the union of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, all came to light. 

This is God's method: the union of the Word and the Spirit, life is generated. 

When the time came for Jesus to come into the world, God used this method. 
He sent His word to Mary ... The Archangel Gabriel was a carrier of the word, he spoke to Mary: "You shall give birth to a Son ... the Holy One to be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." 

Why? Because the seed that would generate was God, not man ... but how could the seed to germinate? 

Archangel said to Mary, "come upon thee and the power of the Holy Spirit of the Most High will cover you with His shadow" (Luke 1:35). 

Thus: the union of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, the Son of God was begotten. 

Jesus Himself said: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (single), so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). 

Now, God has to have a child on earth ... but God's plan is to generate other children. 
So Jesus came as a man and died on the cross ... He took all that belongs to sinful man: our sin, our sickness, our curse, condemnation and death. It took everything with Him to the cross. 

In the cross of Jesus, therefore, was crucified with Him, all our sinful nature ... our punishment fell on Him .. Jesus bore our suffering, died our death .... 

And was buried, however, hence the three days, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was resurrected, He is alive again! 

And then something amazing happened: After the resurrection of Jesus, He is no longer called only begotten (unique), but firstborn (ie, first - Heb 1.6). 
Because now he has become head of a new race: the sons of God! 

Jesus is the seed of God ... He has the life of God! 

And since Jesus met with His disciples after the resurrection, he breathed on them the Holy Spirit, Jesus the Son of God - has played in other kids to God. Hallelujah! 

So today, the most important issue for life is this: You have one of them? ... You can say with certainty that it is a child of God? 
Because it is not enough that you answer: "Well, my parents are Christians, they are believers since I was born ... so I'm a Christian ...". No! 

It is not enough that you answer: "I belong to a church ... I evangelize ... I tithe ... then I suppose I am a child of God!" No! 

There are thousands of people who attend a church ... there are thousands of people who were born of Christian parents, but they show no signs of characteristics and they are people who have become children of God. 
The world heard of a guy who was evangelical, who had served as Sunday School teacher, who practiced evangelism, who came to work with the youth of his church (this was the testimony of a friend and childhood friend of Fernando Dutra Pinto, the hijacker Patricia Abravanel, daughter of the host Silvio Santos, who after the kidnapping in 2001, killed two policemen and held hostage Silvio Santos). 
Born of Christian parents, but not a Christian ... had the characteristics of a Christian. 

The Bible shows what are the signs, what are the characteristics of people who have become children of God. 
You would like to know the characteristics of someone who became a child of God? 

Using the First Letter of John, I can show you, what are the hallmarks of who are children of God. 

First ... John says this, that: 
We read in John 5:18: "We know that whosoever is born of God is not in sin ...". .. Another Bible version brings: "We know that the children of God does not continue to sin ...". 
A person who became a child of God, she does not commit sin as a habit ... she does not sin more with her heart, she does not sin more to his will, as do people who have not yet been transformed into children of God. 

There was a time in the life of that person she did not care if their actions were sinful or not ... if they were bad or not ... there was a time when she was not grieved after doing evil, after committing sin ... because she and evil, sin and she were friends! 

But now, because it has become a child of God, that person hates sin, flees from her sin, she struggles against sin ... her sin has become a curse, and she grieves the presence of sin, and regrets when you commit sin, and because of that, what she wants most is to break free from sin. 

In short, for someone who became a child of God, sin no longer causes no pleasure, no satisfaction 
The sin, the son of God, became a detestable thing ... he can not avoid the presence of sin, but can say with sincerity that hates sin and that the great desire of his life is no more sin is not sin at all. 

This is the characteristic of what has become a child of God ... 
What I have just shown, it applies to your life? You are a child of God? 

Second ... John says: 
In John 5.1, we read this: "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God ...".
A person born again, ie, that had the experience of becoming a child of God, she believes that Jesus Christ is the blessed Son of God, sent to save the world, and besides Him there is no other Savior for their soul. 

This means that you became a child of God, is a person who sees nothing in itself except unworthiness, she finds unfair to God, we see impure, unclean in their sins ... 

But she believes that because of Jesus' death on the cross, is considered righteous in God's eyes and what can wait for death and judgment without being alarmed, without being frightened. 

This person, who became a child of God, she may have doubts and fears, but if you ask her if her hopes of living in heaven after death, are based on his own goodness, for their achievements in their prayers, in your church ... watch what she will respond. 

Ask someone who became a child of God, if he will abandon Jesus and put your trust in saints like Peter, John, Mary or angels like Gabriel, Michael ... 

This person will answer that, although it is actually feeling weak and poor, she will not give up Jesus in exchange for all this world ... she will say that in Jesus has found preciousness and sweetness to your soul, a preciousness and sweetness that can not be found anywhere else, and that therefore it has is that it only cling to Jesus. 

Presented to you this second characteristic of someone who is the son of God. 
The apostle John said that applies to your life? You ... is the son of God? 

The third feature ... John says: 
We read about this in 1 John 2:29: "Since you know that Christ has always done what is right, you should also know who does what is right is the son of God." 
The born again person, or that had the experience of becoming a child of God, is someone who lives in holiness ... is someone who strives to live according to God's will ... is someone who strives to practice what pleases God and does everything to avoid what God does not like. 

One who became a child of God would be constantly looking unto Jesus, taking Him as his example, and shows him to be a friend, doing what He commands. 

In fact, Jesus himself said to his disciples (John 15:14): "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." 

Undoubtedly, in this world, the person who became a child of God, it is not perfect ... herself say it, faster than anyone else. 
She looks at his intimate and is bad to constantly fight against it, looking away from her of God's presence. 

But this person, because it has become a child of God, she does not agree with the bad ... and though he can not avoid his presence, she fights him ... 

So, despite all its flaws, as we read here, what she wants is holiness ... she wants a pure life, a holy life ... do what is right. 

Although often the one who is the son of God, feel dejected because of his evil nature, he will always be able to say as John Newton, in the past: "I am not what should be, I am not what I hope to be in world to come, but despite that, I am no longer what it used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am. " 

Presented this third characteristic of the son of God. 
The apostle John said that applies to your life? You are a child of God? 

Fourth ... John says: 
This the apostle John wrote in 1 John 3:14: "We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers." 
The born again person, or that had the experience of becoming a child of God, she has a special love for all the disciples of Jesus. 

Just as your Father which is in heaven, that person loves all others with a great general love, but she has a special love for those who have experienced the same as her. 
A greater sense of God's children is being together, worshiping God together, having supper together, bringing together ... 

She realizes that these people, like her, are members of the same family ... soldiers of the same army ... mates of the same journey ... 

Perhaps, they are different in several aspects: nationality, social position and property ... but she says: "What matter? we are the people of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are sons and daughters of God!" 

Therefore, one who is a child of God can not stop loving such people in a particular level. 

Behold, I presented this characteristic of what has become a child of God. 
The apostle John said that applies to your life? You are a child of God? 

Fifth ... John says this: 
The apostle John wrote in 1 John 5.4: "That which is born of God overcomes the world ...".
A person born of God, that is, had the experience of becoming a child of God, it does not make the world your opinion of the standard of what is right or wrong ... she does not care to walk in the opposite direction to the opinions and customs of the world. 

The question: "What will others say?" Is not important ... for the person born of God ... she wins the attachment to the world ... she wins the praise of the world ... she wins the fashions of the world ... she wins the ways of the world ... 

The apostle John wrote: The child of God overcomes the world ... 
The world may mock him, but he is undeterred ... the world can mock him, however, he is not discouraged. 

Pleasing the world is the least important thing for a person born of God ... she does not do what everyone else does ... she was not tattooed, not inebriation or gorges herself as the world ... Your ultimate goal is to please God. 

Behold, the most characteristic of this child of God. 
The apostle John said that applies to your life? You are a child of God? 

And ending ... the sixth characteristic, John says: 
It is written in 1 John 5:18: "... what is begotten of God keeps it to himself." 
A person born of God, that is, had the experience of becoming a child of God, is very careful about his own soul ... 

She strives not only to keep themselves clean of sin, but also everything that could induce her to practice sin - in v.18 also read: "We know that the children of God does not continue to sin ...". 
He who is the son of God is careful about their companies ... is someone who feels that evil communications corrupt the heart and it is easier to cling to evil than to good. 

Therefore, the person who became a child of God is careful about the companies from their ... 
For it is not enough that people are kind, gentle and moderate ... this is all good, but such people will bless your soul? 

The apostle John wrote: "... what is begotten of God keeps it to himself." 
A person who became a child of God is careful about their habits and behavior ... 
She seeks to be remembered that the heart is deceitful, that the world is evil and the devil strives to give you a trick ... 

So she remains vigilant, she remains attentive ... prays, reads the Bible ... cares for his own soul. 

Behold, I have presented to you this feature that you are God's child. 
The apostle John said that applies to your life? You ... is the son of God? 

These are the six characteristics of the person born of God. 
It is true that many people no difference in the depth and clarity of these features. 

In some people, these features can not be easily perceived, as manifested fairly weak, imperfection and darkness. 

In others, these characteristics are evident with such force, vividness and clarity that can be readily recognized. 

Some of these features are visible in certain individuals, and other characteristics are more noticeable in others. 
Rarely happens to all these characteristics are manifest in the same proportion in one person ... the son of God while living on earth, is not perfect. 

However, despite this, here's the Bible showing us these six characteristics that it was made a child of God. 

The apostle John wrote this letter of the Bible, to show how a person is born of God: 
She does not live in the practice of sin 
She believes that Jesus is the Savior 
She doeth righteousness 
She loves her brothers 
It overcomes the world, and 
She keeps it pure. 

Now, what do we say to these things? 
I can only come to one conclusion: only children of God are people who manifest these six characteristics. 

All men and women who do not have these brands have yet to become children of God. 

You have these six characteristics? You are a child of God?...

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