sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2015

Compulsion To Preach the Gospel

I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast, it weighs on me this obligation; yea, woe is me if I preach not the gospel! I Cor. 9:16. 

Most people certainly know that, some 75 years after the sinking of the SS Titanic, its wreckage was discovered and photographed in the North Atlantic background. Were not in place imagined all those years. As I write, the radio announces that a recently completed research revealed that it was false the claim made by the commander of the SS Californian, that his ship was "very far" from Titanic to her rescue the passengers. If this conclusion is true, what a terrible example of crass indifference! But, thank God, not all were so insensitive as that commander in relation to the more than 1,500 souls who perished that night. 

Four years after the Titanic sank, a Scottish young man stood up at a meeting in Hamilton, Canada, and said. "I am a survivor of the Titanic While I was drifting alone, clinging to a floating object, the currents brought John Harper, the preacher of Glasgow, close to where I was. 

'Man,' he asked, 'are you saved?' 

"'No,' I replied. 'I am.' 

"'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved," he admonished. And we were separated. 

"But it is strange to say that a little later, the waves came in again and he asked, 'You are safe now' I had to reply: 'Honestly, I can not say I'm already.' 

"He just repeated, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.' 

"Shortly after that, we were separated for the last time. Then, that night alone, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I am the last talk of John Harper." 

This was the kind of concern for the souls that Paul expressed when he said: "Woe is me if I preach not the gospel!" It's the kind of interest that all Christians should have. It is true that not all receive the same talents, but we must use those we have been given to help save others. 

Not the grammar, but the Message 

For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people the Lord, and he said: This is the rest, give rest to the weary; and this is the refreshing; but they would not listen. Isa. 12 and 28:11. 

The most successful soul winners were not always the most correct and polished preachers. Sometimes God has chosen humble people, men and women with no education to proclaim His message. 

Our verse speaks of those who "would not hear" the message of God that speaks of His messenger was "stuttering" and "strange". These people lose a lot by adopting this attitude. Do they belong to that class of persons for whom Paul says that surrounded themselves "masters ... having itching ears"? II Tim. 4: 3. 

At the beginning of the great evangelist Dwight L. ministry Moody, a critical approached him saying that his grammar was weak and his diction left much to be desired. 

- Mr. Moody - censored critical - you must not speak in public while not improve your grammar. You commit so many grammatical errors, which is a shame! 

- I am deficient in many things - Moody agreed - but I'm doing the best with what I have. - Then, turning the tables on the wizard, Moody said, - My friend, you have perfect grammar. What are you doing for Jesus? 

As far as I know, the critic never answered the question. 

On the other hand, the fact that God used sometimes people who do not cultivate oratory to proclaim the message, is no reason for us to acquire sloppy habits of speech. I think we all agree that a humble and dedicated speaker who uses good grammar and syntax and attracts their attention to God and His message, though an imperfect diction, can serve God more effectively than someone who speaks casually. 

The simple fact of our oratory be imperfect is no excuse to hide our light under a bushel. When we allow the Holy Spirit to use, can be relevant instruments in soul-winning, even if we can not preach like Paul. 

Wanted Aunt Ana 

[We] have become docile among you, like a caressing their children; well, wanting you so much, we were ready to offer you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives. I Thess. 2: 7:08. 

At the very beginning of the twentieth century, a sociology course of class at Johns Hopkins University conducted a study among children in the worst slum in Baltimore. Students that class visited the homes of the children, noted the good and bad influences that surrounded and tabulated his observations in chips. Two hundred of these chips were marked with the notation: "Destined to jail." The records were archived for future reference and study. 

Twenty-five years later, another class of the same university sought to make a study and found those chips. 

Decided to find those people and find out what had happened to them. It was not easy to find them, but finally located all one by one. Were astonished at what they found. 

Only two of those 200 had spent some time in jail! Students in the second group wondered how the first group of students had been so wrong. 

The reason was called Aunt Ana. This woman was a teacher who taught first grade in the slums of Baltimore and showed personal interest in their students. Time after time, the testimony of those who had influenced her was: "There is no doubt that my destination was the prison, but Aunt Ana made sure to put me in the right direction, and this constituted all the difference." 

When asked to tell of his success, Aunt Hannah answered modestly: "I just loved them as if they were my own children know, I never had my own boys and girls; this way, they were all mine in a sense.." 

What a noble spirit! 

Today, nearly a century after this story, American children are in serious trouble. And not just the children of America; worldwide delinquency among the less privileged and also among the wealthy is increasing. A Tia Ana modern could make a difference. Could it be that God is calling you to this kind of work? If so, He would find you willing to give up for the sake of these children? 

Concern Chosen People 

I proceeded to the Jews, as a Jew, to win the Jews. I Cor. 9:20. 

Though Paul was a Jew, became known as the apostle of the Gentiles because it took the history of salvation to the Gentiles of the Mediterranean world. Still, not forgotten his own people. 

She worried about his Jewish brethren. Notice how he exclaims in anguish of spirit, in Romans 9: 1-3:! "My people Israel My Jewish brethren How I long are you going to Christ My heart is downcast within me, and I grieve bitterly day . and night because of you know Christ - and the Holy Spirit -. that is not mere pretense my when I say that would be ready to be damned, if it could save them " (The Living Bible.) 

Moses felt the same way, because after the Israelites worshiped the golden calf, he said: "The people have sinned a great sin made gods of gold But now beg him to forgive this sin If not, I ask you to scratch me of!. book he wrote. " Ex. 32:32 (The Living Bible). That concern had these men for his people! 

Richard Wurmbrand, author of Tortured for Christ (Tortured by Cause of Christ), though a Jew by birth, was a professed atheist before becoming a Christian. Unbeknownst to him, a Christian carpenter who lived in the Carpathian Mountains, Romania, began to pray that God would help him win a Jew to Christ before he died. 

One day, the carpenter was irresistibly drawn to the village where lived Wurmbrand. When I heard that Wurmbrand was Jewish, befriended him. But it did more than that. She spent hours in silent prayer, seeking ways to drive Wurmbrand Christ. As the Holy Spirit worked through the carpenter, was aroused-interest of Wurmbrand. Carpenter gave him a Bible. The conviction led to the conversion, and that what was once an atheist, became a Nazarene humble follower. Later, Wurmbrand was instrumental to the achievement of many others to Christ. 

If Something's Headquarters 

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood up and said, If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink. John 7:37. 

The worst place in the world where you feel thirsty is in a desert. I remember seeing pictures in a magazine years ago, showing two couples who had come to picnic in the desert, somewhere in Egypt, and were lost. The first pictures showed the four enjoying snack. Photos later revealed the already suffering from thirst. The last photo, apparently taken by the last survivor, showed the other dead. The camera and the bodies were found by a rescue team. 

It is said that once, when the Arab caravans were with little water supply, sent a rider ahead to find an oasis. After some time, both sent a second horseman behind him, and then a third. Once the first man found water, shouted to him who followed him, "Come!" This, in turn, shouted to the other, "Come!" and the last repeated the invitation to the caravan. Thus encouraged, men and animals continued in the hope of soon quench thirst. 

The worst seat in the world is not an organic thirst for water. It is the headquarters for that water that only Jesus can give. Many who suffer from this headquarters feel that something is missing, but do not know what it is. They need is the water of life that Christ offers. 

But have you noticed that, in his appeal to the thirsty sinners, Jesus talks about you and me? Immediately after our verse today, He says: "Rivers of living water will flow from the depths of anyone who believes in me." John 7:38 (The Living Bible). This expression includes us, is not it? 

As believers, we are the bride of Christ (see II Cor. 11: 2). It is through us that He distributes the water of life. But this is a work that we can not do alone. That is why Revelation 22:17 says, "The Spirit and the bride say, Come let him who hears say,... Come one who is thirsty come, and who want to receive for free the water of life"

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